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'I’ve  been passionate about nature and animals for as long as I can remember.  I have two degrees in zoology but already knew in high school that I  wanted to work in conservation – as much as I enjoyed picturing myself  doing research in exotic locations, I felt like I had to dedicate my  career to fighting the horrifyingly rapid erosion of biodiversity at the  hands of humanity. To me it was always crystal clear that our  population explosion is driving the sixth mass extinction, so I was glad  to join the team at Population Matters – one of the rare organisations  that confront the elephant in the room. The best thing about working in  the population field is that I get to combine my love for nature with my  other big passion: the advancement of women’s rights. I firmly believe  that achieving global gender equality is the most powerful and neglected  solution to our biggest environmental and social crises. It is high  time that world leaders give it the attention it deserves.'


Olivia is Senior Communications Officer at Population Matters.  Enjoy her recent blog: 

(it's on Medium too)

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